Does the delivery period start with the order or upon receipt of my payment?

Please note that our delivery times always apply only from receipt of your payment.

Zahlung Ueberweisung PayPal Express Uebersetzung

You can find an overview of our delivery times here. In order to not loose any time, you can pay by real-time bank transfer or PayPal.

If your bank does not support real-time transfer, you can also send us the receipt of your transfer via email. We will also confirm receipt of payment and thus the start of processing by e-mail.

Zahlung Ueberweisung PayPal Express Uebersetzung
The delivery time begins upon receipt of payment

In which format should I provide my documents?

As a general rule, please make your documents available fully visible and in the best quality possible so that all content is easy to read.

Documents should be provided as high quality photos or scans if possible. In addition, it is important that the documents are completely visible (up to the edges). This eliminates the need for queries, for example, and thus additional effort. Meanwhile, there are good smartphone apps that provide good scans even in the freeware version. Here are a few recommendations:

Of course, photos can also be transmitted – but be sure to shoot directly from above and avoid light reflections.
Dokument Scannen PDF Beglaubigung
Dokument Scannen PDF Beglaubigung
Provide output documents of the highest possible quality

We recommend submitting documents in PDF format – however, we can generally handle all other common formats (JPG, PNG, etc.).

Does the translator need the original document or is a copy sufficient?

Usually, a scan or a photo of the original document is sufficient to make a certified translation. We produce 99.9% of our certified translations using copies.

Exemplary attestation clause with reference to the source text in copy

Most translators note on the translation whether the document was submitted as a copy or as an original. However, this is not mandatory in principle, so that some also omit this note. Mostly, this reference does not play a role for official recognition.

In extremely rare cases (e.g. recognition of documents from third countries), an authority requires that the original document was present at the time of translation. We can also fulfill this requirement by asking you to send us your document in advance. Please contact us should you need to meet this requirement.

Our tip: Find out exactly what the requirements are for the certified translation. U.S. authorities sometimes even specify the content of the attestation clause. Please inform us if a translation from the original is required, which is an absolute exception.

Will the certified translation be recognized abroad?

Our recognition rate is 100%, meaning that out of many thousands of translations delivered, all translations have so far been successfully recognized by authorities, courts, etc.

Anerkennung beglaubigte Uebersetzung Ausland EU Drittstaaten

The requirements for the recognition of a certified translation can be very different. Please let us know exactly the requirements of the office where you want to submit the translation. Possible additional requirements are:

  • A pre-authentification (can be ordered here) to prove the authenticity of the translator’s signature
  • An apostille/legalization to confirm the authenticity of the issuing person’s signature (e.g. judge) and his/her function. ATTENTION: An apostille/legalization must be applied for at the respective authority in the country where the document was issued.
  • In very rare cases, it is required that the translation is made after presentation of the original document (not with the help of a copy)

Recognition in the EU

Especially since the introduction of EU Regulation2016/1191 in 2019, certified translations made in Germany are also recognized in other EU countries. This is also in line with our experience. Furthermore, within the EU, neither an apostille nor legalization is required to support the authenticity of the document.

Recognition in third countries

In our experience, certified translations made in Germany are also recognized in third countries without any problems. However, special requirements apply here in some cases. For example, an apostille is required for countries that are members of the Hague Convention. In others, however, legalization. Details can be found on the website of the German Foreign Office.

Our tip: If you are unsure about the requirements for the recognition of the certified translation, ask the authority, ministry, company, etc. where you would like to submit the translation. It makes sense to clarify uncertainties in advance in order to approach the translation correctly.

Is the certified translation recognized in all German federal states?

Yes, the certified translations we provide are recognized throughout Germany.

Pursuant to Section 142 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Anordnung der Urkundenvorlegung), certified translations are valid regardless of the state in which they were prepared. It therefore does not matter in which federal state the translator is domiciled or at which regional court he/she was sworn in. You can submit or present the certified translation for recognition anywhere in Germany.

Bundeslaender Behoerden Anerkennung Uebersetzung

A certified translation by a translator who has been sworn in by the Regional Court of Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg, for example, can also be used outside Baden-Württemberg in Lower Saxony, Bavaria, etc. without any problems. In other words, it is legally valid throughout the Federal Republic.

Bundeslaender Behoerden Anerkennung Uebersetzung
Bundesländer Behörden Anerkennung Übersetzung

What does a certified translation cost?

The price of a certified translation depends mainly on the volume of your document (amount of text).

In addition, the price reflects the effort required to prepare the translation (for example, handwritten annotations that are difficult to read, complicated formats, tables).

For standard documents such as driver’s licenses, we offer fixed price quotes – you can find these in our store. However, many other documents are very individual, which is why we will provide you with a free and non-binding individual quote for them.

Stempel beglaubigte Uebersetzung Kosten guenstig
Stempel beglaubigte Uebersetzung Kosten guenstig

You can easily request an individual offer here. As a rule, we will inform you of our favorable offer within 1-2 hours.

What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is a careful and true-to-layout translation of the language of your document into the desired target language by a translator sworn in at a (German) court.

This translator confirms the correctness and completeness of the translation in relation to the original document by his/her stamp and attestation clause. A copy of the original document is also usually attached to the certified translation. You will receive the certified translation by mail within the specified delivery time (2-3 business days for short documents). Here you can find an overview of our delivery times.

Bestellter beeidigter Uebersetzer Landgericht
Bestellter beeidigter Uebersetzer Landgericht
The copy of the source text is attached to the translation.

In particular, authorities require that foreign language certificates and documents be submitted as certified translations. Certified translations are also called official, sworn or notarized translations – however, these designations are partly incorrect (e.g. there is no notary in involved). You can read the detailed requirements for a certified translation on the website of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators.

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