Beglaubigte Übersetzung schnelle Lieferung Lieferzeiten

Our delivery times

Fast delivery is especially important for certified translations. We do our utmost to ensure that your certified translation reaches you as quickly as possible. In particularly urgent cases, please contact us in advance so that we can check whether express delivery (faster than our standard deadlines) is possible.

Please note that our delivery times always apply only from receipt of your payment. In order to not lose time, you can pay by real-time bank transfer or PayPal.

Beglaubigte Übersetzung schnelle Lieferung Lieferzeiten

Delivery times - Overview

Number of pages Delivery as PDF-Scan * Delivery of hardcopy by mail **
1-3 pages
within 1-2 working days
within 2-3 working days
4-5 pages
within 2-3 working days
within 3-4 working days
6-8 pages
within 3-4 working days
within 4-5 working days
9-11 pages
within 4-5 working days
within 5-6 working days
12-13 pages
within 5-6 working days
within 6-7 working days
14-15 pages
within 6-7 working days
within 7-8 working days
more than 15 pages
as agreed with client
as agreed with client

* We deliver a scan of the stamped certified translation via email. Please add the scan (click here) to the shopping cart if you need the certified translation in advance in PDF format.
** Shipped as a standard Deutsche Post letter. In our experience, shipping within Germany takes 1-2 business days. Highly recommended is Prio shipping with tracking, which you can simply book in addition.

Important notes:

  • In case of high urgency, you can clarify whether the office/authority to which you want to submit the certified translation accepts the certified translation in digital form (as PDF/scan of the stamped certified translation) in advance. You can then submit the printed certified translation later.
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