!!! Due to the summer vacations we are currently NOT able to accept RUSH ORDERS !!!
The delivery time is currently 1-2 working days longer than stated in the shop
!!! Due to the summer vacations we are currently NOT able to accept RUSH ORDERS !!!
The delivery time is currently 1-2 working days longer than stated in the shop
beglaubigte uebersetzung haeufige fragen

Frequently asked questions on certified translations

On this page, we would like to clarify some important questions concerning certified translations in order to provide you with comprehensive information in advance.

If you have any unanswered questions, please feel free to contact us directly.

beglaubigte uebersetzung haeufige fragen

What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is a careful and faithful translation of the language of your document …

What does a certified translation cost?

The price of a certified translation depends mainly on the volume of your document …

Is the certified translation recognized in all German federal states?

Yes, the certified translations we provide will be …

Will the certified translation be recognized abroad?

Our recognition rate is 100% – with many thousands of …

Does the translator need the original document or is a copy sufficient?

As a rule, for the preparation of a certified …

In which format should I provide my documents?

When you upload your documents on the product page …

Does the delivery time start with the order or with the receipt of the payment?

Please note that our delivery times are always …

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