Is the certified translation recognized in all German federal states?

Yes, the certified translations we provide are recognized throughout Germany.

Pursuant to Section 142 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Anordnung der Urkundenvorlegung), certified translations are valid regardless of the state in which they were prepared. It therefore does not matter in which federal state the translator is domiciled or at which regional court he/she was sworn in. You can submit or present the certified translation for recognition anywhere in Germany.

Bundeslaender Behoerden Anerkennung Uebersetzung

A certified translation by a translator who has been sworn in by the Regional Court of Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg, for example, can also be used outside Baden-Württemberg in Lower Saxony, Bavaria, etc. without any problems. In other words, it is legally valid throughout the Federal Republic.

Bundeslaender Behoerden Anerkennung Uebersetzung
Bundesländer Behörden Anerkennung Übersetzung
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